Katrina Bikes Photo Gallery

Baton Rouge - Unoading the Trucks


Bikes arrive at Baton Rouge for unloading...
Another milestone has been reached, thanks to the 20 or so volunteers who helped unload two semi-trailers full of bikes yesterday. The trailers contained 470 or so bikes plus spare tires, racks, helmets, parts, and even a teddy bear or so donated by citizens of Seattle Washington to help the hurricane evacuees who have made Baton Rouge at least a temporary home.

The call for volunteers was heeded by members of many of the organizations represented by Baton Rouge Rolls, including BREC, MLK Community center, Louisiana Wildlife Federation, and the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee. The two trucks arrived at Howell park at 9am, and the volunteers had the trucks empty, and Howell Park Gym full by 11am.

Also present was Pastor Norman Thomas and two additional volunteers from Lake Charles. After driving three trucks over, they helped unload the trailers, and then loaded 100 bikes and parts on the trucks to take back to Lake Charles. These will be given hurricane affected people in Lake Charles, either displaced by Katrina or directly affected by Rita.

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