South Lake Wash - Cedar River

Today's ride is the classic South Lake Washington Loop
combined with the Cedar River Trail.

Starting from Mercer Island members ride south
along the east side of the lake on the Lake Wasington Trail.

This takes everyone through the Mercer Slough Nature Park
south to Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park in Renton.

From here the group separated into two parts, one continuing
around the lake and the other continuing on the Cedar River Trail.

The Cedar River Trail is a nice way to add an extra 20 miles
of scenic landscape to the ride.

The trail is virtually flat angling slightly up as you travel
away from the mouth of the river emptying into Lake Washington.

The trail is very active with walkers and cyclists
with several nice parks along the way for all to play.

On the return down the trail riders stop at Jet City Espresso
in Renton for nourishment and socializing.

From Renton everyone continues around the lake taking
a side trip through the Renton Airport and then Rainier Avenue north.

This connects all to Seward Park and Lake Washington Blvd
which is the final connection back to the I-90 Bike Trail.

From here it is back across the lake to Mercer Island
where we started for quick good byes as we load up our bikes.

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